5 Steps to Accelerate Your Career

Whether you're looking to get promoted or find a new job - it's easy to feel stuck when you don't have clarity on where you want to take your career or how to get there. When you're clear on your goals you build an abundant career for yourself.

How often do you feel stuck in your role and unclear on how to accelerate your career? Sometimes, looking for a job can feel like a job in itself.

You pursue promotion and get passed over because of a lack of leadership experience. You spend hours applying to jobs online and hear crickets. Or go through the lengthy interview process and don't get the job. 

You’re worth more than you give yourself credit for.

I want you to consider these questions for a second...

  • What if you could change the way you feel about yourself for good and transform all your self-doubt into confidence, courage, and motivation?

  • What if you were crystal clear on where you want to take your career and how to get there?

  • How would you feel if you had someone guiding you towards the strategies that work and away from the ones that don't?

  • How would your success rate change if you had someone to make sure you got back up when you feel down and you constantly kept learning from & adapting to challenges?

That feeling of confidence, clarity, momentum & support is what a career coach is for.

We spend 1/3 of our life working. It's important to make sure it is filling your cup (and your wallet!). The worst thing you can do is to stay where you are, unfulfilled, but unable to take action because you don't know where to start.

5 Steps to Accelerate Your Career

  • Career direction: Clarify where you want to take your career, develop a career plan based on your strengths, motivations & growth opportunities. Then break them down into SMART goals and action items

  • Acceleration strategy: Effective job searching, Leadership development, Business Launch Strategy

  • Create a personal brand: Clearly communicate who you are, your skills, what value you have to offer to an organization, your accomplishments, and reputation both in-person and online

  • Building your network: Connect directly with managers and recruiters to strategically attract your dream job & build your referral network.

  • Confidence: Transforming self-doubt into confidence, courage, and authenticity through interview skills.

When you're clear on your goals you build an abundant career for yourself.

Download your free digital Career Acceleration Workbook Download Here

Investing in a Career Coach is the best investment you can make for yourself. A Career Coach can help you ...

  • Job search strategy

  • Personal Branding

  • Interview Skills

  • Compensation negotiation

  • Business Coaching

  • Leadership Development

  • Sales Performance

Schedule your Career Discovery Call today and take the next step to accelerate your career. Connect with Danielle

Danielle Cobo

Danielle Cobo works with organizations to develop the grit, resilience, and courage to thrive in a rapidly changing market. As a former Fortune 500 Senior Sales Manager, Danielle’s grit and resilience led her to lead a team to #1 through downsizing, restructuring, and acquisitions. Lessons she learned along the way will help you to create high-performing teams and award-winning results. Her 20 years of sales experience was key to developing her leadership, change management, and burnout expertise. Danielle’s resilience led her to start her own business, helping others develop the grit, resilience, and courage to thrive in life and business.

Danielle has a Bachelor’s in Communication with a minor in Psychology from the California State University of Fullerton, Certification in Inclusive and Ethical Leadership from the University of South Florida Muma College of Business, and accreditation in Human Behavior from Personality Insights. inc., and Leadership from Boston Breakthrough Academy.

She is a member of the National Speaker Association, leads the Training Pillar of the Military Spouse Economic Empowerment Zone Committee, Career Transition Advisor for the Dallas Professional Women. Tampa Chamber of Commerce Workforce Development Committee, Women of Influence Committee, Military Advisor Committee, and Working Women of Tampa Bay member.

Danielle hosts “Dream Job with Danielle Cobo Podcast,” a devoted military spouse and mother to 5-year-old twin boys.

Danielle’s book on Grit, Resilience, and Courage is due to be published in the Summer of 2023 and will be available on Amazon.


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